
Thank you very much for your interest in AAIHS membership. Since its debut in January 2014, AAIHS has quickly become a leader in the field and your support will help continue that important work. As a member, you will be able to take an active role in AAIHS initiatives by voting and running for offices in the organization. AAIHS members enjoy a wealth of benefits including the following:

  • A 20% discount on personal subscriptions to the Journal of Civil and Human Rights  
  • A 20% discount on books from Cambridge University Press
  • A 30 % discount on books from the University of North Carolina Press
  • A 20 % discount on books from University of Georgia Press
  • A 20% discount on books from Northwestern University Press
  • A 20 % discount on books from New York University Press
  • A 30 % discount on books from Vanderbilt University Press
  • 30 % discount on books from University of Illinois Press
  • 30 % discount on books from University of Texas Press
  • Discount on registration for our annual conference
  • Eligibility for our awards, fellowships, and prizes

You can sign up through PayPal using one of the buttons below or send a check made out to AAIHS to:

P.O. Box 2310
Providence, RI 02906

Level Price  
AAIHS Annual Membership $40.00 per Year. Select
AAIHS Life Membership $450.00 now. Select

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