I would like to join but I am not sure if I am a member. How can I confirm my membership?
To inquire about the status of your AAIHS membership, you may contact us here.
How can I register for the conference without using PayPal?
You can register for the conference by sending a check to us or by paying via credit card. If you would like to pay via credit card, please let us know and we will send an invoice to you. For snail mail, please use the following address and make checks out to “African American Intellectual History Society.”
When I try to register, I see an error message noting that the “server has timed out.” What should I do?
If you encounter this message, please refresh the page and try again. If the problem continues, please notify us via email and we will send an invoice for payment directly.
How can I make changes to my panel?
You cannot make any changes to your panel. The deadline to do so was Feb. 1, 2017.
How can I advertise in the conference program?
The deadline to advertise in the program was Feb. 1, 2017. Please email us if you would like to advertise on the AAIHS website.