Quito Swan is Professor of African diaspora history at Howard University. His research and teaching interests include black internationalism and 20th-century black social movements. He is the author of Black Power in Bermuda: The Struggle for Decolonization (Palgrave Macmillan, 2010). Swan’s forthcoming book Pauulu’s Diaspora: Black Power and Environmental Justice (University Press of Florida, 2019) was supported by a National Endowment for the Humanities fellowship. He is now completing another project entitled “Melanesia’s Way: Black Internationalism and Diaspora in the South Pacific,” which explores black internationalism in the South Pacific. Using newspapers, print media, archives, literature, and oral histories, it explores how the ideas of Black Power, African American freedom struggles, Pan-Africanism, Négritude, and African/Caribbean nationalism streamed across Melanesia.